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How to Focus & Stay on a Path to Sustaining Success


By Dare Rosebery, EBW Executive Performance Coach

We want successes quickly, and we want these successes to be in ways that are life-changing or business-transforming. We’ll set goals without knowing how we can achieve them or goals that may exceed our commitment or ability to deliver. We don’t think through the implications of allocating resources to achieve certain goals, or we may not consider what impact these goals could have on others when we pursue them.

If we want to be the first people to walk on Mars, the journey will require us to become something we may have never been before – Purpose and Vision driven. 

Even if we start our journey with the right focus and planning, our human nature may cause us to jeopardize our success. Because we want quick wins and quick acknowledgments of our work before the real work is well underway, we may deplete our resources, materials, and commitment to achieve easily recognizable goals.

If we lose sight of our Purpose (our why and our reason for being) and Vision (what long-term success will look like and how our journey will unfold), we may become complacent or discouraged. We may rely on or blame our current skills, education, and experience—or a lack thereof—and limit our thinking and ability to overcome unknown challenges. We may settle for a walk on the moon instead of Mars.

Learn how to avoid this trap, to develop your Will, and to stay focused in ways that will inspire you to approach life and work as the most incredible journeys you will ever enjoy.

The Sustaining Success Equation

The Sustaining Success equation:  Purpose + Vision + Mission = Outcomes/Results.

This equation starts your thinking where typical planning does not and will return results that goal-based planning cannot. Success in all areas of your life will be more predictable, repeatable, and consistent and depends on the quality of your PVM variables. Results are a by-product of how excellently you and your business live out the vital inputs on the left side of the equation.

PurposeKeeps us others-focused, consistent, and able to make better decisions

Purposeful people and businesses understand who they are for the benefit of others. They are devoted to the success of their customers and others on the journey. When you intentionally live out who you are, you naturally know what works, and you will be more effective in your thinking and approach, thus realizing better results. Purposeful people transform others and situations around them for the better, and they are not fearful of limitations – their own or others.

Vision – Invites others to join a journey

Uncommonly effective people unite the hearts of others through the journey – not the task. Vision describes how the future could unfold and engages our hearts and Will, so that we and others will be more likely to successfully do whatever may be necessary to move forward and stay on a path to success.

Without Vision to see beyond where you are today, you may get distracted or defeated by temporary setbacks or short-term goals and not be able to gain the alignment and courage of others you need to realize long-term outcomes and sustaining success.

Thinking in outcomes — what success looks like — also known as “beginning with the end in mind,” helps us recognize opportunities, avoid potential pitfalls, and prevent problems that we might create by not thinking through implications and then later need to solve.

Mission – Provides clarity and priority

People often use Mission like Purpose, but that misunderstanding limits effectiveness. Purpose is enduring; Mission should be evolving and showing us whether we are succeeding as we move toward our Vision.

Mission describes what we should be doing that will have the greatest impact on what we are trying to accomplish over whatever timeline is appropriate for you and the industry. 

Mission statements are important because they help us evolve our efforts and indicate when we are successful. They clarify the plan and help prioritize resources and where we should focus; they align what you are doing to what you should do and clarify direction and the next right steps.

Photo Credits: 1STunningART, Adobe
